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As featured in What Satellite magazine

Copy+ is a powerful freeware program that allows you to backup and transfer your Sky+ and Sky HD hard drives. It has been featured in The Guardian, PCW magazine and What Satellite magazine.

The ONLY product on the market that can do this, Copy+ can also copy between previously incompatible box models AND will work around Sky limitations on maximum hard disk sizes. Now you can take your box to 1TB!

And we are also the home of +Extract, software that rips FTA recordings from a Sky hard disk!

Don't forget, best of all, it's all free†, with no nag screens, viruses, spyware, pop-ups or advertising.

Very impressed... WELL DONE

Copy+ has many uses, including:

  • Upgrading to a larger hard drive
  • Upgrading from Sky+ to Sky HD
  • Making copies if your Sky box is being replaced
  • Replacing a failing hard drive
  • Correcting errors on the drive*
  • Making backup copy of your hard drive*
  • Defragmenting the drive*

To use Copy+ you will need Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 and to be able to connect your drive(s) internally or with USB 2, FireWire or eSATA attached drive caddies, or any combination.

But before downloading, make sure you read the appropriate sections of this site and are well aware of its limitations and terms of use. If you struggle with it, there's a comprehensive set of instructions available, as well as useful FAQ's and general advice in the forum.

Copy+ is provided free of charge. However, if you are feeling generous your donation will be highly appreciated.

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Sky and Sky+ are trademarks of BSkyB. XTV is the trademark of NDS Limited. This site and the Copy+ software is copyright © Stuart William McConnachie. +Extract is copyright © Neil Balloch. Site design is by David Artiss. is checked by McAfee SiteAdvisor, Norton Safe Web and Browser Defender and does not contain any spyware, adware, or viruses. / 0.182 / index.php / Haunter